Feminine Balance Full-Spectrum Hemp Formula

MSRP: $47.99
(85 customer reviews)


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Ever feel like something inside of you is out of harmony? Feminine Balance is designed to safely support your sleep, your hormones and emotions all while helping to battle pain and inflammation.

In response to customer feedback, we have decided to modify our formula and remove the berry flavors and/or sweeteners in our hemp oils. Due to the variances of the berries and supplier differences, we could not keep a consistent flavor in our oil or give a specific ingredient listing for those with allergen concerns.

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Product Description

Ever feel like something inside of you is out of harmony? Feminine Balance is formulated specifically for women and is designed to safely support your sleep, your hormones, and emotions, all while helping to battle pain and inflammation. This full spectrum formula is infused safely with hormone-balancing whole herbs and has your anxiety levels, your immune system, your weight struggles, and your hormonal wackiness in mind. Designed to support your endocannabinoid and hormonal systems, women of all ages can use Feminine Balance, whether in childbearing years or pre or postmenopause.

Feminine Balance provides 300 mg of CBD in each bottle. You can take half to one dropper once or twice a day or just as you feel you need it throughout the day or night without fear of overdosing. You will find your sweet spot as you adjust dosing according to how your body reacts. Current studies have shown that CBD has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant qualities. It is also used successfully as a seizure treatment, cancer fighter, tumor preventative, sleep aid, neuro-protectant, and cognitive enhancer. CBD also supports healthy heart function, vascular health, and gastrointestinal health, to name just a few.

INGREDIENTS: Herbally-Infused MCT Oil (Lemongrass, Passion Flower, Lavender, Sage), Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract

Note: Sage is one of the ingredients in this blend, which is known to help relieve hot flashes during peri and post menopause, cramps during periods along with other PMS symptoms and is considered a metabolism-boosting herb. Although CBD oil is widely used by breastfeeding women, this particular formula is not considered nursing-friendly as high doses of sage may contribute to a depleted milk supply. There are only very small doses in the Feminine Blend, but this should still be noted.

Using Feminine Balance while actively trying to get pregnant is up to individual discretion. Feminine Balance may help balance hormones to the point where pregnancy is more likely, but once you have the positive we suggest that you stop using this product as some of the herbs are not recommended during pregnancy.

As always, we recommend that each woman do her own personal research regarding ingredients and only use those products that she feels are the best fit for each season of her life.

STRENGTH: 300mg 10mg/ml

SIZE: 30ml (1 fl oz)

SUGGESTED USE: Place a few drops to one full dropper under the tongue and allow it to absorb for a minimum of 30 seconds. Take once or twice daily or as needed.

For additional info, please visit our THM CBD FAQ

Manufacturer’s note about our skin care and hemp products: We do not use anything artificial in our skin care and hemp products. Any colors, binders, or scents are naturally derived. Changes to our formulation are made only when necessary to improve ingredients and/or processing. Please note that the color and scent of natural products may vary slightly from batch to batch depending on the color of the flowers/herbs that we infuse and the season that which they are gathered. This is the uniqueness of working with natural products. Rest assured, the ingredients and the formulation are always of the highest possible quality!

Since our skin care and hemp products are considered fresh with no harmful preservatives, we encourage you to use them in a timely fashion as we only warranty for 30 days. Once opened and stored in a cool environment, they could easily last a year or more! Those living in warmer, humid climates may wish to store their products in the crisper section of their refrigerator to keep them fresher longer. To ensure best results, please make sure no water comes in contact with creams and that your hands are always clean and dry when applying.

Check out our 2-part podcast on the topic of CBD:

Part 1: Your Endocannabinoid System.

Part 2: Hemp: A Wonder-Healing Plant.

*For additional info, please visit our THM CBD FAQ.

FDA DISCLAIMER: This product is not intended to treat or prevent any illness or condition. Use at own risk. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

*The 2018 Farm Bill, passed by Congress, removes all industrial hemp and CBD products from the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA). While states still have the right to restrict production and sales, it is now fully legal to purchase, possess, and consume in all 50 states.

*Full spectrum CBD oil as contained in this formula may show up as a positive on certain urine tests, although very unlikely in blood tests. Please read our FAQ for more information on this.

Please note that from time to time packaging may vary.

Customer Reviews

  1. J. Wille

    Hi! I purchased this after listening to the THM Poddy and learning about all the health benefits. I have battled significant anxiety and depression since I was a teenager. I use a variety of supplements, exercise, prayer and medicine to help. Fem Bal has been such an effective tool to help me feel relaxed and calm my anxious mind. My husband recently started taking the Mas Prime and is no longer snoring. I’m truly stunned! Highly recommend! 😁

  2. Heather (verified owner)

    I am 38 and have started a lot of menopausal symptoms, unfortunately! The hot flashes and itchy skin started in quick and fast! After doing a bit of stalking and research on the THM Facebook groups, I remembered I had a bottle of Feminine Balance that had actually probably expired. It is a little over 2 years old, I dug it out of the closet and started taking it. About 2 weeks in now, my hot flashes and itchy skin are now GONE! I am actually cold like I used to be. I am wearing a hoodie and slippers while typing this, just to keep warm! Definitely recommend! I just ordered two more bottles to make sure I do not run out. I am hoping, with prolonged use, it will benefit my sleepless nights. Thank you, THM!

  3. Crystal Sargent (verified owner)

    I have been using Feminine Balance for 7 years now and I have to say it is the best CBD oil on the market! I have tried others and none compare. The best way to describe how it makes you feel is calm, relaxed and level headed. Hot flashes are gone, sleep is deep and life is good! I cannot go without this product! 🦋

  4. Joy (verified owner)

    I just received the Feminine Balance about 5 days ago. The taste doesn’t bother me at all. Tastes like eating a fresh sage leaf. I’m actually glad it doesn’t have the berry taste in it as it seems like that wouldn’t go well with the sage taste. The first night I took .25 mL and was very restless/light sleep all night. But every night since then, I’ve slept very deeply all night. I have been taking the same .25 mL dose every morning and evening. It does have a calming, relaxing effect for sure. I wanted to try it out for some balancing of the hormones. I’m 46, have had 10 pregnancies, and a history of thyroid nodules as well as adrenal issues. My body temp is usually kind of low and I get cold pretty easily. Over the last few days, I’ve noticed a warmth and not getting so cold. I’m happy with how it’s working so far and will continue to take!

  5. countrybaker (verified owner)

    I have tried this for over a year with no results. I really wanted it to do something, anything good really. I was hoping for better sleep. Better hormonal balance. No luck. I’ve tried increasing it and using morning and night. No change.

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      Thank you for your feedback. We are all so very different and respond differently to various products. We are sorry to hear that you are not seeing improvements in the same areas that others have reported.

  6. Lianna Scott (verified owner)

    I am fast approaching my 3rd Anniversary of my first dose of Feminine Balance… and I have recently become allergic to *All Forms* of Coconut. So it’s with a sad heart and tear-filled eyes that I have to say goodbye to my beloved Feminine Balance. It’s been my daily best friend for nearly 3 full years. I hope I can find a replacement!
    So, until THM comes out with a Non-Coconut Oil variety, I will have to buy my CBD oil elsewhere.

  7. lifeisbeautiful428 (verified owner)

    I am so thankful for this stuff.
    1. My periods are not as heavy and cramps are GONE! I have always been bed ridden when having my period but now I can take care of my kids, cook, exercise and enjoy life like normal.
    2. My nerves are healing and I am not a panicked all the time.
    3. I sleep much better now and deeper too!

  8. Lianna Scott (verified owner)

    2 Years of using Feminine Balance! Never going back to being without it.
    1. Feminine Balance has stopped my Cerebral Palsy muscle spasms!
    2. It has reduced my inflammation ( I no longer look like a blow-fish!)
    3. It has stopped my painful neuropathy in my whole body (stubbing my toe or hitting my shins NO Longer reduces me to sobbing or having to live with the soreness/pain for days on end – the pain subsides in a timely manner)
    4. I fall asleep faster
    5. I sleep deeper
    6. My nervous system doesn’t feel like a Run-a-way mine train anymore.
    7. My noise sensitivity with my ears has drastically gone down.
    8. My anxiety is under control! – After Baby #2 I was not sleeping well at all — staying awake for most of the night etc. … nervously picking at my skin etc
    9. I use it as a pain killer for when I know I am going to the dentist or doctor and need an extra measure of help dealing with the pain,

    *** The first dose ( March 7th, 2019 — took a full dropper) felt like a WATER bath putting out a FIRE that started in my head and like a wave worked it’s way down my body… while holding my 1 year old in the rocking chair at the time … and I fell asleep right then!

  9. Karen (verified owner)

    I never write reviews but have to with this product since it has been a miracle. I have horrible insomnia especially since Menopause 8 years ago- I have tried everything…prescripton pills, supplements, life style changes, etc etc and have not had a night’s sleep in ages. Chronic exhaustion has drastically effected my well being both at work and also relationships. I have taken this 3 days in a row and have had a full nights sleep each night. Like I literally fall asleep and stay asleep like you’re supposed to and no longer dread bedtime. Thank you so much for this miracle formula. I sure hope it continues to work this well.

  10. Chantel Waller (verified owner)

    After having my second child at 33, I struggled immensely with mood swings, my cycle returned promptly after her birth. I could even handle normal day to day things without going from very angry to very sad and back and forth all day long. I decided to start feminine balance about 9 months postpartum and it was a game changer. I was worried about my milk supply but at 9 months it was well established and I had no problem maintains it. After some time of figuring out how much and when to take it, I noticed a drastic difference. I was experiencing emotions but I could handle them. I felt in control again. I still take feminine balance to help with my cycles but I don’t take nearly as much as I did at first (I know it’s expensive but worth every penny…). Now I feel more balanced and regular use has been a huge help.

  11. Lianna Scott (verified owner)

    10 GOLD STARS!!! This coming March 7th (2021) it will be the 2nd Anniversary of my 1st dose. It has COMPLETELY changed my life for the better and I cannot thank THM enough for this product.
    THM’s Feminine Balance CBD Oil has become and permanent addition to my nightly routine.

    When I took my 1st dose of Feminine Balance, I literally felt the inflammation leave my body! Seriously felt like water being poured on a fire and simultaneously falling asleep.

    My muscle spasms are few and much more manageable!

  12. Catherine (verified owner)

    I have been using this product for several months. I can’t live without it. I ran out once and my husband told me to hurry up and re order it. Lol.

  13. Lorri Shrewsbury (verified owner)

    I usually don’t submit reviews of any products, but I thought someone might find this useful! I’ll begin by saying Feminine Balance has exceeded my expectations. I am on my second bottle and just ordered my third 2 days ago.

    1) I wasn’t super sure that I even wanted to use a CBD oil, but after reading other reviews of this product, I thought it was worth a try.
    2) I have chronic sciatic pain (and have had for decades) and my hips bother me when I lie down (I needed to take an NSAID to relieve the pain to fall asleep).
    3) This oil — after about 3 days — relieved me of my hip and sciatic pain. I simply could not believe it. A couple of weeks after taking the oil, I went for a massage and for the first time in years, I wasn’t in pain when she worked on my lower back and sciatic area.
    4) You will probably need to try different dosages and timing. I began with a .25 dose in the morning. Then I added a .25 dose in the evening. I found the evening dose to interfere with my falling asleep. (Everybody’s a little different, right?) I ended up taking a dose between .25 and .50 in the morning.
    5) This summer, for various reasons, I stopped taking Fem Bal and then sorta forgot I had it. (Nuts, right?) My pain came back and it just seemed like “the way things used to be” and my Fem Bal stayed in my medicine chest for several months.
    6) Last week, I discovered it behind my saline bottle! I decided to try it again. OH, MY WERD! Within about 3 days (again), my pain level dropped way down. I was again taking between .25 and .5 every morning.
    7) About 4 days ago, I upped my dose to .50 each morning, wondering if it would make a difference. The “ghost residue of pain” — the majority of my pain was gone and I felt this was nothing to complain about, I thought — is now gone. AND, my sleep has improved — I sleep more deeply and am able to fall asleep rapidly after getting up in the night to pee. (Before, it was a toss up as to whether or not I’d fall back asleep.) And this is even just taking it in the morning. Now, I’m not SURE it’s the Fem Bal that’s done this, but the timing is certainly convincing, as this is the only variable that’s changed in the last week.
    8) The taste is a little weird. Very grassy. I don’t notice the berry part. Part of the reason, in my first round of using this, I did a dose between .25-.50 was because I tried a .50 dose once and almost lost my cookies, it seemed like SO much dirt in my mouth. Now, however, I’m used to the taste, and the benefits outweigh the minor annoyance of flavor. I also try to hold it under my tongue as long as I can (more than 30 seconds). I kind of make it a game, to be honest! I also think that I’m able to go to .50 in a dose now is because I was incrementally increasing my dose – not going from .25 to .50 immediately, so the increased amount was not so noticeable.

    So, to sum up: VERY happy with this product. Suggest you “play around” a bit with your dosages, but of course, starting with minimum recommended and varying from there. Give it a few days – it may not be immediate but when it happens, you’ll notice for sure!

  14. Char (verified owner)

    Love it!

  15. luvchild71 (verified owner)

    I started this product a week ago and I feel amazing. I was in an automobile accident 30 years ago, I hit the windshield and had over 200 stitches and facial scarring. This past year my Doctor told me arthritis was setting in my shoulder and neck area stemming from accident. I refused to take prescribed meds due to long term side effects and organ failure. Feminine balance has kicked that pain right out of my daily living!!! I am Greatful for my baby sister who recommended I try FB cbd oil.. I appreciate you trimhealthy mama!!

  16. Kymberly (verified owner)

    Taking out the berry flavoring is a big mistake. I now cannot handle the awful taste of this product! I will not be able to use what I bought nor will I buy this product again. Very disappointing!

  17. Hannah Kiyaga (verified owner)

    I love this stuff! I was taking it to balance my progesterone levels and get all my hormones happy and to see if it would help with cramps. The first month didnt make a huge difference same with month 2. But month 3 oh baby I had bad cramps and usually live on advil for 4 days. I took this when I started hurting within a few minutes my cramps were gone!
    Be faithful with it and you’ll see a difference!

  18. Sarah (verified owner)

    I’ve waited awhile to leave this review – I wanted to be sure! : ) I started the Feminine Balance formula at the beginning of January. I have wrestled with headaches over the last several years. Lately, they’ve begun to become more intense and also more frequent. I believe that they are primarily hormone related. I am so incredibly thankful to report that I have been completely headache free since January 26th! You guys! That’s huge! Thank you, THM team, for your investment in the lives of others!

  19. brandi4424 (verified owner)

    I’m a believer! I started using this product in 03/2019 after listening to the podcast episode about these products (so informative). In the first few weeks, I could tell it was helping (better sleep, more calm, etc) but the longer I took it, the more I thought I couldn’t tell a difference so I got out of the habit of taking it. Bad decision! Like it was mentioned in the podcast, the biggest thing I noticed was sleeping through the night without having to wake up to use the restroom. When I stopped taking this, I started waking back up… the more time passed that I didn’t take it, the longer I was staying awake which meant my brain would start thinking of all the things the next day held & sleep doesn’t come easily after that. I didn’t put 2 and 2 together until I was having a conversation with a friend and she said “it’s one of those products you don’t realize is helping until you stop.” She’s right! I am back to taking it, sleeping all night and waking refreshed! I take 3/4 of a dropper daily.

  20. Maribel (verified owner)

    I am 60 years old and have suffered from BAD hot flashes since the day I turned 40, yeeees for 20 years, but refused to take hormone therapy meds.
    I got my first bottle of Feminine Balance on a Friday and by Tuesday my hot flashes were gone. This is my miracle drop. It’s amazing, it also has help me sleep. Thank you so much Pearl and Serene for your love for health and all your hard work.

  21. Jody Wakefield (verified owner)

    i’m 56 and since I turned 50 I’ve been dealing with menopause, a nasty divorce which took 2 1/2 years… All of this left me completely out of whack and with a nasty case of anxiety disorder. I used to sleep like a baby but haven’t slept well in years only getting a few hours a night. After taking this product for only approximately two weeks I am in disbelief at the change in my body. I can now go to bed and sleep which is a miracle. My depression has lifted. I have more energy well into the evening and have Started crafting again which I love to do and had put away for so long. I have went ahead and ordered more along with the masculine version for my husband’. This is an amazing product!

  22. Katie

    I have loved this product but have friends asking what the absorption rate is. I didn’t see it in the description and bioavailability. I’m not even sure what those mean but they are asking ??‍♀️?

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      Research has been somewhat unreliable in determining absorption rates or bio-availability for CBD products since it can widely vary from person to person

  23. Elizabeth Fashian

    Over all this helps my hormones out quite a LOT. I know some people don’t like the taste but I think its fine.

  24. Donna Greenway

    I’m 57 years old and post menopausal. I have been having difficulty sleeping thru the night because of waking HOT and sweaty, and then waking cold because I would strip off all covers all while sleeping only under a sheet right in front of a window unit AC!
    First night I used .25 ml of this product and slept like a baby all night! I couldn’t believe it!!! Last night, same result.
    I can’t believe how great this product is!!!!!
    Thank you!

  25. Elizabeth Cooper

    I have ordered feminine balance but am concerned with the taste.

    Is it possible that I could put my does in an empty veggie capsule and take that way and swallow to avoid the taste?

    Wasn’t sure if I would get the same effect?

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      Taking the Feminine Balance tincture sublingually is the best and most effective means. If you feel a cream would suit your needs better, please consider our Feminine Balance CBD Isolate Cream

  26. elainewhiteman1 (verified owner)

    I have been taking Feminine Balance for over 3 months now. I am 55 and have struggled with intense hot flashes for a few years now. I could get up to 10-12 a day/night. They were overwhelming. An indication that a hot flash would be starting was I would start to feel like crying and get overwhelmed – then the hot flash would come. They could be so bad I would not be able to focus on what I was doing. I would sweat, and sometimes have to change my clothes. I share these intimate details because I want to encourage other women to give Feminine Balance a try. The quality of my life was being affected. I had been on a medication for over a year and it made everything go away but I did not like the fact that it could cause cancer. So I stopped taking it. I used over the counter and herbal products but nothing helped. On two different occasions I had friends tell me about Feminine Balance. They strongly encouraged me to try it. I still am amazed at the change in the quality of my life because of Feminine Balance. I no longer get the intense, overwhelming hot flashes. Now and then I will get overly warm but it is nothing like what I had to deal with before. I am thrilled with the relief it has given to me. I take .50 mg in the morning and .50 in the evening.

  27. Samantha (verified owner)

    Does this help with sex drive ? Asking for a friend?

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      It sure can! or so we’ve heard from friends 😉

  28. Stacy Quittschreiber (verified owner)

    I have to say that I was surprised at the results of this product. Since turning 49, hot flashes had been continually getting worse. I read the reviews and decided to go for it! I’m so glad I did. Within the week, my flashes were completely gone. Zero! I was taking a full dropper morning and night. I’ve cut down to a 1/2 for both am/pm. I’ve actually afraid to run out! Thanks again. 🙂 I also don’t mind the taste!

  29. connor2408 (verified owner)

    This is the best thing that I have found to kick my migraines! It works faster than any OTC product that I have tried! I tried this for the other benefits as well and love it!!!

  30. Lianna Scott (verified owner)

    For the first time – EVER – it did not require Prescription drugs to get my cycle to start! Been having to take those drugs off an on since I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2012. And now it’s starting all on it’s own this month!

    Been taking Feminine Balance everyday since March 7th … and … today is July 3rd. 🙂

  31. Kris Maxon

    Thank you for this great product. I was in a head-on collision when I was 24. I’m now 52, closing in on post-menopause, fibromyalgia, arthritis, TMJ, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, pernicious anemia, migraines, and work on a computer 8 hrs a day. This product has helped to reduce my daily pain quite a bit. The primary thing I noticed was that pre-oil the muscles under the base of my skull would swell terribly and the migraines would hit hard. I take a half dropper in the morning and a half in the afternoon when I feel that area start to swell. It has helped reduce the swelling and pain. It’s not completely gone, but it’s working! I also noticed feeling less stressed. Thanks again!

  32. Nicole Leary (verified owner)

    Feminine Balance stopped my pre-menopausal symptoms in their tracks! No more waking up drenched in sweat and feeling like I’m sleeping in an oven. The only drawback is the taste, which I have yet to become accustomed to, even though I’m not into my third bottle. I highly recommend.

  33. Michelle Taylor

    My period cramps and pre-period symptoms (headaches, fatigue) are so non existent that I don’t even know my period is approaching. I have been caught off guard unprepared a few times which is a good problem to have!

  34. Michelle Taylor

    “You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone…” I ran out after taking fairly consistently for 2 months. And I waited to see what would change. At first, there wasn’t anything noticeable and then BAM! after 3 weeks off, returned my lingering knee and hip pain which I originally started taking this for. And then the sleepless nights returned. I reordered and after being back on for only 2 days, the pain disappeared again and deep sleep returned. So thankful!
    I did have to play around with the dosing and notified the most benefit when I take a morning AND evening dose. I don’t remember every day, about 3-4 days a week. I am a believer!

  35. Brenda Pandos (verified owner)

    Hi. Around Christmas time, I started experiencing “wonderful” hot flashes and because of health reasons, I can’t take bio-identical hormones. My OB suggested an antidepressant that can help, but I didn’t want to go to that extreme as I’ve had horrible side effect from other antidepressants, plus I want to do things naturally. Feminine Blend has been a lifesaver. Within a few weeks of taking Feminine Blend, the hot flashes stopped. It’s been 5 months and I’ve had a few here and there, but maybe 3? And they were so mild and managable. I was getting them about 10-15 times a day/night prior (completely miserable), and always after drinking my coffee, and this was in winter. Summer? Our summers are over 100 degrees, I was dreading having them then as heat apparently was a trigger. I’d wake up many times at night and fan myself with the sheet to get relief. No more 🙂 I was taking the blend twice a day and once the flashes subsided, I went down to taking a 1/2 dropper full in the morning which does the trick for me. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for this product!

  36. Kristin (verified owner)

    Does this product expire? I bought a bottle in December, but then had second thoughts and stopped taking it since I was nursing my baby. I plan to nursing until Dec 2019 and my bottle will be 1 year old by then. Will it still ok to use then?

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      This product is good for up to 2 years if kept in a cool, dry place with little exposure to light

  37. Zebra (verified owner)

    I love this stuff and, as others, trust the THM team in providing the best quality products. My anxious feelings disappeared to the point where I’m like “wow this stuff really works for me” as I’m a very anxious person and feel jittery inside most mornings when I wake up…but not on this stuff.

    I stopped taking for like 3 days out of fear of failing a drug test for my job…but started taking it again last night.

    If I test positive I guess I’ll have to find another job as my well being is very important to me.

    Also, I love the tasted!!!

    Perfect job ladies!

  38. Rosalinda Vargas (verified owner)

    Being hypothyroid and postmenopausal (hysterectomy 6 yrs. ago), I feel quite “normal” since having started to use it. I don’t feel like I’m dragging myself from thing to thing. My sleep quality is better, too. I’ve actually slept 8 triumphant hours! For this shift worker, a blessedly welcome thing. I had to tinker with dosage, with a larger one early in the “day” and a lot less in the “evening”. I also deeply appreciate that I can trust THM from whom to obtain this sort of product. Thank you SO MUCH<3

  39. Lianna Scott

    This is a life-changing product! Benefits That I Have Personally Experienced:
    1. STOPS Chronic Pain
    2. STOPS Cerebral Palsy Spasms and Twitches
    3. Gives “Neuropathy” relief: I can squeeze my hands and bump my leg with very Miniscule OR No pain at all
    4. Calms Way-wire Nervous System
    5. Improves Sleep quality
    6. Removes Anxiety and allows one to stay calm

  40. johobgood (verified owner)

    This stuff is awesome. I bought it and I am in my middle 60’s, my daughter is 49, and granddaughter is 16. It worked well on all our us. It’s amazing. It really helped with my granddaughters hormonal issues, it calmed me down and made me feel relaxed but yet gave me lots of energy. It has worked on my daughter and my anxiety. Can’t wait until the male formula comes out.

  41. Lianna Scott

    Cerebral Palsy Benefits!!!! Just 1 dose and I feel like a whole different person.
    My pain level has significantly decreased and it stopped my “Dyskinetic” Twitch Spasms that effects my head. I have never experienced this level of relief with my Cerebral Palsy without Prescription Medication for muscle relaxers.
    I cannot believe I feel such relief from the first dose!

  42. Pat Hurt (verified owner)

    Just ordered my second bottle, loved how it made me feel when I used the first bottle. Taste is ok, much better then original cdb oil which is nasty. I am 72, suffer from depression, this stuff changed that within 24 hours. I was so surprised it worked so fast.

  43. Mollie Baker

    I have been having knee pain for several months , and after about a week of taking this, I noticed the pain was gone. I ran out of it two days ago, and my knee pain is back. Waiting for my new order to arrive today!

  44. Amber Canaan

    I have tried everything to stabilize my hormones and my moods and nothing worked. I’ve wasted a lot of money trying all these things and had all but given up. I didn’t understand why one week out of the month I was basically a raging lunatic. I knew it wasn’t me and I felt like I was trapped in a body and mind that didn’t do what it was supposed to do. I felt like I was ruining my children’s childhoods and I didn’t want that version of me to be the mom they remembered growing up. I prayed, a lot, but for whatever reason, my healing didn’t come that way. Most recently, I spent $400 on some supplements from a popular mlm company that is supposed to help with gut health and improve mood. I used them for almost 60 days and they did nothing and made me so sick to my stomach. I requested a full refund on those!

    I started this CBD blend at the beginning of February and am at the tail end of what I used to call “hell week”, the week of the month before my period that used to be unbearable. It wasn’t perfect, but instead of having entire days that were miserable, I only had a couple of incidents, about 5-10 minutes each, that were hard. In those moments, I took an extra 1/2 dropper and mellowed out quickly. I am so thankful for this, for feeling normal again! It has also helped dramatically reduce headaches as well, probably from my ability to handle stress better!

    I am reordering today and thankful that this is 1/4 the price of everything else I tried and it actually works!

    As for the taste, I like it. It’s different but I am used to herbally type things!

    Thank you Serene and Pearl!! Years ago when I found you, I lost 85 pounds (which I have to do again because I had another baby lol) and now I have my mind back.

  45. Heather

    I am ordering my second bottle. I have noticed better sleep, less anxiety, and a calmer mood overall, but the biggest thing has been the balancing out of my cycle. For a few years now, I have been having very close cycles, usually only about 2 weeks from the end of one to the beginning of the next, and also much breakthrough bleeding in between. After about 2 weeks of Feminine Balance, that bleeding stopped, and my cycles are back to being about 28 days apart, just like they have been my whole life. That alone is worth it to me and the other benefits are extra gravy!! I take .5 dropper in the morning and that’s it. I did find that taking it at night interfered with sleep, but the morning dose actually helped with it! Thanks for such an amazing product!!

  46. Denise Bohannon

    I purchased CBD oil with the hopes that it would help with the sciatica pain I’ve endured for several years. I even mentioned to my Dr. who prescribed steroids to help. I had ordered the CBD oil, so I decided to try it before the steroids. It’s been over a month on CBD oil (I ran out of yours and purchased another brand) and I have absolutely no sciatica pain whatsoever. Your brand is much more palatable and I’m ordering more today! Thank you for a brand name I know I can trust!

  47. Brenda Theune

    I started using this Feminine Balance oil about 3 weeks ago. I started with .25 ml twice a day. After about 3 days, I noticed I was sleeping much better and MAYBE my joints weren’t as achy. Then I had something come up at work that I knew always caused anxiety attacks in the past. I decided to take .75 ml before heading to my office. 5 1/2 hours later, I realized that not only had I not had any anxiety, I had worked those 5 1/2 hours without a break (or coffee) and felt much less brain fog than I’ve felt in years!

    Since then I’ve tweaked my dosage and found what works best for me is .75 in the morning and .25 at night. I’ve been able to cut my 5HTP dosage in half and have yet to feel like I wanted to kill someone. I’m hoping to eventually drop it all together.

    I could go on and on about how much I love this stuff, but I’ll spare you! The only thing I would suggest is a lighter colored bottle so you can tell when it’s getting low. As it is, I’m ordering 2 bottles today so I always have a full one on hand. Thank you so much for coming out with this!

  48. Susan Jenkins

    I just bought three more bottles! My doctor in the UK put me on blood pressure meds the day before Feminine Balance was released. When I read that it can help blood pressure I ordered it immediately and discontinued my meds. Today I saw the doctor again for the first time in a couple of months and he says my blood pressure is great!

    But the best part of CBD has been an experience I haven’t seen reported by anyone else. I had a long heart to heart conversation with my hubby that in the past would have led to lots of drama and crying and manipulating (all on my part!). I had taken a bedtime dose of Feminine Balance about an hour before we began to talk. I was able to speak rationally, calmly, and truthfully without manipulating him with my words to get him to see my point of view. This is a HUGE victory to me as this has been an area I have struggled with for our whole 25 years of marriage. I’ve never directly lied to him but I sure have bent and twisted the truth to get what I want. I’m calling Feminine Balance my Truth Serum.

  49. Kristie Abercrombie

    Feminine Balance review:

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to describe what this product does for me, and yesterday it finally came to me. It has synced my radar.

    I’ve always been a frustrated perfectionist. I know there is a perfect way to do everything. Add in a dash of OCD and it’s total misery actually. Wiping down the counter after dinner could turn into 2 hours worth of re-arranging everything because there is a functionally perfect way to have your kitchen arranged.

    And it isn’t just MY life/issues of course. I take on family and friend’s as well. I put all of the concern on my back because, you know, there is a perfect way for every situation and what if perfection doesn’t happen? And did they ask me to? Course not.

    And then Feminine Balance happened. It synced my radar. I do what I need to do without seeing everything else around it. I am able to be aware of family/friend’s situations without feeling like I have to figure out what’s best.

    Before Feminine Balance: Check engine light in my car came on. Hubby says he looked at it and ordered a part, and it won’t affect daily driving. Worry that the car won’t start when I get in it next time. Look up the issue to see if there is information that I don’t have and determine for myself if I should worry. Stress over it. Keep what-if on my radar.

    After Feminine Balance: Thank hubby for taking care of me.Know that I’ll deal with an issue IF it happens. Take care issue off my radar.

    I don’t know how or why, but I know I’m thankful.

  50. Meredith

    I was a MAJOR SKEPTIC, but now I’m a TRUE BELIEVER. I have general anxiety and started waking up with anxiety attacks at night. I bought this and noticed when using with magnesium cream they went away. I thought it was a fluke and when I ran out found a cheaper CBD oil and within a week the nightly anxiety returned. I’ll be a regular user from now on.

  51. Ellyn A

    I’m a huge skeptic. I bought this assuming I would notice no difference in anything. Boy was I in for a surprise.

    I am an extremely anxious person. Anything that goes not according to plan is a huge deal to me. I plan for 1,000,001 “what if” scenarios. My anxiety can give me major mood swings, even from small mundane situations and affects my sleep.

    Since starting CBD oil on Christmas Eve I am a different person. I’m more patient with my kids (and most know how kids always attempt to deviate from your plans). I was even able to go on an impromptu vacation to a city I’d never been to before – and enjoy myself!

    I convinced my sister to try it for her depression, and she’s seen improvements as well. She especially suffers from seasonal depression and hasn’t had to use her light machine since a few days after starting the CBD oil. She has more energy and sleeps a lot less, which is huge since she suffers miserably through year-round allergies.

    The only downside is the flavor. I have strong food aversions brought on by flavor. I started by literally just plugging my nose so I couldn’t taste it, and then following with something flavored to drink to rid my mouth of the taste. I’ve since adjusted and, although I don’t enjoy the flavor, it’s well worth this tiny negative.

    And, of course, it’s always nice to find a product from a source that you trust. Thank you, THM, from the bottom of my heart!

  52. Cindy W

    I started this the first of the month (January, 2019). I wasn’t thrilled with the taste, but have gotten accustomed to it – I think it may be the “oily” aftertaste I get. I ran out of my first bottle a couple of days ago, and wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy more or not. The second morning I was out I woke up sweating (something I’ve done for years since menopause), and realized I hadn’t been doing that all month since starting the oil. I also noticed that my hip, which has been giving me trouble for a couple of years, also started hurting when I got up from my chair at work (realized it hadn’t been hurting all month!). I decided after that pain started again it was worth getting another bottle. Thanks for all you do for us.

  53. Dawnelle

    I’ve been using Feminine Balance for two weeks and hadn’t been completely convinced yet. My anxiety did seem less but I wasn’t noticing a huge difference until today. I started my menstrual cycle without any of my usual PMS symptoms! I usually have severe PMS with mood swings that sometimes dip into depression, horrible cramping, bad food cravings or complete loss of appetite, no energy…there have been times I can’t even get out of bed for two days. So this morning when I started I was completely shocked! I thought maybe I was still a few days out and was just waiting for my craziness to kick in. This is the best I’ve felt for years! I’m not tired or cranky or unbearably sad. I’m now absolutely convinced by this product and will be reordering!

  54. Dani W

    I suffer from anxiety and depression I have been using this for over 2 weeks and it’s been AMAZING!! I haven’t even had to take my anxiety medicine. I feel relaxed, happy and emotions not all over the place . I love it .

  55. Jaquelyn Hale

    Everyone needs this! My period cramps have VANISHED. I had never wrote a review before but this product is so worth it! I suffered period cramps since I started my period and I have been on one month and this period had absolutely no cramps or headaches! I will continue to order 🙂

  56. Heather

    I love this product – it is helping my chronic pain from autoimmune disorder/fibromyalgia, and also my depression/anxiety. I’m sleeping better and have much less pain overall. The taste is not fabulous, but I can deal with it (place the drops under your tongue for best results). My only complaint is that the packaging makes it *EXTREMELY* difficult to tell when it’s running low. I tried holding it up to the light, and even putting my phone flashlight behind it, but the bottle is just too opaque. By the time I noticed I was having a hard time getting the product up into the dropper I had less than two days’ supply left, and ran out before my new order arrived. Is this something you could change in the future? Maybe a dark brown bottle instead of completely opaque black? It would really help! Thanks THM, for another great product.

  57. Curri

    I like the taste! Does it need to be refrigerated?

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      So glad to hear you like the taste! It does not require refrigeration and it is best stored in a cool, dry place with little exposure to light.

  58. Natalia Burleson

    I cannot believe how much my sleep has improved. I have a fit bit and it tracks my sleep. I used to sleep 4 – 6 hours a night with very little deep sleep. I’m getting much more deep sleep and sleeping 6 – 8 hours a night. My mood is more stable, my brain fog is getting better. Thank you so much for this product!

  59. Gaye Kammerer

    Can I take this with generic Zoloft?

  60. Sheryl Fontaine

    I’ve been taking this product for a 2 weeks now and at first the taste was awful but it did help me sleep better. I started .25 4 times a day and made sure i had some water after the 30 seconds. I notice now that I’ve gotten used to the taste and now to 1/2 dropper full 2 twice day. Just a suggestion to get through the taste.

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      We’re so glad you were able to adjust to the taste, Sheryl! Great suggestion to start with a lower dose at first. Fantastic that you are seeing improved sleep!

  61. Jenn

    Taste is terrible (the berry helps, but the natural plant comes through strongly), however, the results are worth it. The biggest improvement I’ve noticed is my legs not hurting from poor circulation. Has also helped focus, nap decrease, and mood swings.

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      Hey Jenn! There are many that find the taste pleasant, but we are so glad that the benefits outweigh the issues you have with the taste. You may find that it won’t be long before you grow accustomed to the taste.

  62. Angie Cherney

    I started taking Feminine Balance twelve days ago because I had tried everything else in an effort to sleep! (Melatonin, essential oils, Rx meds, massage, exercise, no caffeine, etc., you name it.) My sleep has been horrible since our 16yr. old son died 7 years ago, but had just begun getting back to a decent night’s sleep last year when I got the news that my mother had been hit and killed by a car in October. After that, my sleep was horrendous once again. In October, it was 2-4hrs. of sleep with horrible nightmares, and December wasn’t much improvement (4-6hrs. with nightmares and waking several times throughout the night). Since taking Feminine Balance nightly, I’ve been getting a consistent SEVEN HOURS of sleep with no nightmares or waking throughout the night! Last night, I got EIGHT HOURS of uninterrupted sleep. This product isn’t cheap for me, but it’s worth every penny!!!

  63. Bobbie

    Hello, I’m considering trying this product but just concerned because I take atenolol for blood pressure. Can you tell me if there are interactions with blood pressure meds?

  64. krismwilliams

    I have been taking this for about 3 days. I struggle with depression and anxiety, headaches and high bloodpressure. I feel as though I have been happier and more relaxed. Not sure if it’s a placebo effect or for real. But I will continue to take it until I am out to really get a good measure of it. The taste is horrible and I gag, but….if it helps, it’ s worth it!! Thank you THM for always trying to help and improve our health.

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      We’re so glad to hear that it is helping! Many find the taste quite pleasant and we hope that you can adjust to the taste so you can continue to receive the benefits of the product.

  65. Ashley Pelton

    Hello, I’m Ashley and have been using this product for the last few weeks and its been great! I feel better, sleep better and have less pain. I had a awful hip injury, no broken bone, but awful motherless, about 2 years ago. And I have been on a journey of natural healing; it has lead me to a nucca chiropractor and a Japanese Meridian Therapy aka acupuncturist who says the THM hemp product is being well received by my body and is interested in it for herself. I’m grateful for the affordably of the product as well. The taste on the other hand is quite herb-y and kind of grabs the back of my throat, but I just drink some water afterwards and its fine; worth it to get the benefits of the product. I’m very curious to see how my cycle goes this month while taking the hemp. I have very heavy, painful cycles. Thanks so much to all of you at THM for all that you do and stand for; I truly love this company and buy products for THM for the quality and trust in what the THM brand stands for and of course to support the continued growth of this company brand! God bless and thanks again, Ashley

  66. Jackie Roubik

    I started using this product jan 2019
    I feel amazing !!!! I have stuffed from migraines and I have spinal stenosis
    In my neck with horriable pain . I stated the drops along with acupuncture and I honestly have to say I haven’t felt this GREAT for 3years. Love it love it !!!

  67. Sandy

    Can this product be used on men. My husband has severe insomnia. I would love to be able to help him as well?

  68. Donna Gibson

    I am on thyroid medicine will this bother me?

  69. Kirsten Takape

    I have been regularly struggling with severe fatigue and started to feel depressed and hopeless. It has been a long journey of fighting for health and though I have a long way to go, this product has made all the difference for me. I wake up bright eyed and ready to tackle the day, I feel an increase in joy and peace, no more sleepless nights, and no more depression! I am getting outside with the kids everyday now, and having more productive days! The fog has lifted!! THANK YOU FOR DEVELOPING THIS PRODUCT!!! I love it, and I’m telling everyone!

  70. John Harrington

    I just read through the other reviews and have to say I’m totally stumped…the taste is so completely off putting I’m having a hard time using it! I feel like I’m eating leaves and grass. And it was really helping with my insomnia. I didn’t find it helped with any aches or pains I had and my moods didn’t seem to change. I primarily bought it to help with sleep. Unfortunately I just can’t get past the awful flavor!

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      We’re so glad to hear that it has helped with your insomnia but we’re terribly sorry that you find the taste of the Feminine Balance unpleasant. We are all so very different and although many find the product quite pleasant, we do understand that not everyone has the same opinion on this or any product. This is simply a matter of individual taste. We hope that you can adjust to the taste so you can continue to receive the benefits of the product.

  71. Carol

    I love this product! Everything appears …. enhanced? Everything just seems clearer and brighter like a fog has lifted and I’m so excited about it. I also was able to quit using ibuprofen daily for all those aches and pains. I already ordered my 2nd bottle!

  72. Dana Barner

    HI. Wondered if this is helpful for women past menopause? I am having a difficult time sleeping.

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      Women of all ages have benefitted from using the Feminine Balance. You can find more information in our FAQ’s


  73. Shirley

    I’ve been using this for a week, purchasing it because of sleep issues (waking in the night and not being able to fall back asleep), and I’m now having THE BEST SLEEPS! So thankful for this. I purchased my two bottles while visiting the U.S., but now that I’ve seen the benefits, I know I will want to purchase more when these run out. Would love if it could be shipped to Canada!

    • Trim Healthy Mama

      We are unable to ship Feminine Balance internationally at this time, however, we will continue to research international regulations in hopes that we can make this product available for export at some point in the future.

  74. Cathi Stout

    The second day I used it I felt more at ease. I felt calmer and more refreshed. I also felt like I had more energy.

  75. Dasha Estalilla

    When I first read the reviews from the control group, included in the introduction email, i didn’t believe that this product could do what they said it did. I have been diagnosed with stage III of adrenal fatigue a year ago. Climbing out of that hole has been a long journey. Living in Alaska and having 5 hours of daylight in November though January is very hard. Half a dropper if this magic and I am ready to move the mountains. Darkness makes it hard to be motivated to do anything. This potion gets me going. I had done more in the last 3 days than in the last 2 weeks.

  76. ambermarie

    Holy cow! This stuff is amazing! I have an autoimmune disease that is super painful. I feel so much better since taking the CBD oil. My joints don’t ache all the time. And I sleep better too! Thank you thm!

  77. Amanda Marie Polomsky

    I’m so grateful for this product. As someone with an siezure disorder and chronic pain I can say this product works. O have been siezure free, and my pain and swelling has reduced in the fee weeks that I’ve started taking the sisters Cbd oil. The oil has a light berry taste. It has also helped my mother with her eczema flare ups when applied topically. Product is well researched as well. Great job Serene and Pearl! Thank you!

  78. Carol

    I started mine today, 1/2 dropper per dose x 2 doses. Am I imagining more energy and less pain this quickly?? Is that even possible? I just know I’ve got a desire to get up and get busy. If it’s from this, I can’t wait to see what happens after a few days! Where has this been all my life????

  79. Shanon P

    Yes, yes, yes! I was so happy when I found out THM was going to start selling this product! I trust everything they sell. When my hemo extract arrived in the mail I began using immediately. Instead of the recommended dosing twice a day, I use a half dose 4 times a day. The absence of anxiety is the most wonderful part of my experience so far. I have been sleeping better. My appetite is much better. My chronic pain is diminishing. I bent over to put my heavy pot away earlier today and realized I felt no pain in my lower back at all! Amazing! I’m so thrilled!!

  80. Vicki L

    I’m very happy to find a trusted source for CBD oil. I found the taste a little “grassy” but the additions give it a more pleasant taste. You can follow the oil with a sip of moonshine or your drink of choice.

  81. Brittany

    Taken it 1 time so far. WOW! Can not believe how good I slept and the energy I have today. Will be using this for life. Thank you THM 🙂 !!!

  82. Jeannie Cotton

    The flavor is reminiscent of raspberry chocolate. I love it. Thank you so much for this amazing product at an even more amazing price. I don’t know how you ladies do it, but I am so grateful.

  83. Bhart

    Has anyone been drug tested and passed while using this. Cant afford to risk losing my job.

  84. Denise Wilferth

    Hi… I am just curious. I have read about CBD oil but but did not know which brands could be trusted. I was excited to see THM would be coming out with it soon. I thought CBD oil was for males and females. I had told my husband we would both try it. Can you tell me why it is targeted for females? Thank you!

  85. Julie Dunford

    What is the thc content in your CBD? I am in the military and regularly get drug tested so I have to be very careful.

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