THM Affiliate Central

You must be a registered THM customer with a store account to become an affiliate.  Please click here to register or login to your existing account.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is the THM Affiliate Program?

The THM Affiliate Program was created to support content creators, bloggers, and site owners with a way to earn income via their support of THM products.  Approved affiliates will have access to special links that our customers can use to purchase products on our THM online store.  When our customers choose to shop through your link, you can receive a commission on qualifying purchases.

What percentage of a sale do affiliates earn?

THM Affiliates are paid a commission rate of 5%.

When do I get paid and is there a minimum payout amount?

All THM Affiliates will be paid whatever commissions are due to them by midnight CST of the first Monday of each month. In the event that the first Monday is a nationally recognized holiday, the commissions will be paid by midnight CST of the next available business day.

How do I get paid?

In order to be a THM Affiliate, you must have an active PayPal account. The affiliate commissions will be paid via PayPal to the email address provided during the sign-up/application process.

Are there sales made thru my affiliate link that WON’T earn me a commission?

Yes. Discounted purchases are exempt from affiliate commissions, including purchases made using the THM Membership site discount, other discount codes, store credit, or gift certificates. Affiliates will either not earn a commission on these purchases or will have a smaller commission based on the price after discounts.

How do I qualify to become a THM affiliate partner?

To qualify to be a THM Affiliate, the applicant must be a well-established, THM-relevant public content creator who completes and submits the official THM Affiliate application and is vetted, cleared, and accepted by the THM Administrative team. The application and approval process usually takes 3 to 5 business days. The applicant will be notified by email as to the status of their application.

To be considered for an affiliate, please apply using your public-facing URL where you would most likely use an affiliate link.

Whose customers are these?

All purchases take place inside the THM online store, therefore all customers are THM customers. The affiliate is simply directing traffic to the THM online store. THM customers are not, by virtue of your participation in our affiliate program, your customers. You will not be responsible for any customer service issues. Please send anyone who may contact you inquiring about their purchase or our products to [email protected] for support.

Do affiliates need to disclose that they will be profiting when customers shop through their links?

Yes, you must clearly include an affiliate disclosure(s) on your post, site, or blog. This can usually be accomplished by placing a disclosure in the footer of your site or at the end of a particular piece of content. A sample of the language that could be used: Let it be known that the author of this content is an official THM Affiliate and is earning a percentage off of links used in the above content that may link directly to the THM online store.

Can I shop through my own affiliate link to obtain a personal discount?

No. The software prevents the link to be used in this way.

Are there any places online that THM Affiliate links are not to be used?

You may not share your THM affiliate links in any of the official groups, except in the context of embedded content such as recipe blogs, etc.

Please be sure to include an affiliate disclosure.

How long does the affiliate "cookie" stay active?

The affiliate “cookie” will stay active for a period of 24hrs.

Will I continue to get credit when my followers make subsequent purchases?

As long as they click through your affiliate link, you will be credited for their purchase.  If they go directly to the store or click on another affiliate link, you will not be credited.

How do I maintain my THM Affiliate status?

Official THM Affiliate status is maintained by simply following the rules as outlined on the THM Affiliate homepage and further explained in these FAQs.