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Trim Healthy Guide to our Protein Products

At Trim Healthy Mama, we are protein-focused for a good reason – we want to help you obtain a burning body… one that burns food rather than stores it. You can’t do that without ample protein of the right kind. We created our unique protein powders and supplements because…

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Erythritol… So, It’s Harmful Now?!?!?

We were all just warned to steer clear of erythritol! This was the advice stemming from a study that showed it is present in the plasma of people who are already at high risk for blood clots and heart disease. This study was…

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Seven Powerful Benefits of the Humble Oat

Don’t let the humble oat mislead you into thinking it’s short on benefits. Despite being one of the cheapest and most accessible foods, oats are also one of the most nutritious. Aside from the many powerful health and weight…

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Eating Salad Every Day Makes Your Brain Younger!

A recent study published in the Journal of Neurology of almost 1,000 seniors found that those who ate a serving of leafy greens every day, over a span of 4.7 years, were the equivalent of being 11-years younger…

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Seven Questionable Ingredients in Low-Carb Foods

Educating yourself on ingredient labels can be both empowering and disappointing . . . you learn that some manufacturers aren’t always honest in their advertisements, or they may be prioritizing cost over health and…

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Baking with Whole Grain Flours on the TH Plan

The current trend among modern diets is to replace grain-based flour with nut or seed flour. Don’t get us wrong… this can be a great approach for S-fuel baked treats (“S” stands for “Satisfying” and refers to low-carb/ample fat on the TH Plan).

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Coconut Oil… So, Now It’s Bad?!?!?

We all just got told to steer clear of coconut oil! This was the advice in a recent report by the American Heart Association. Did you notice the media had an absolute hay day with headlines?…

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Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides. These are the fatty acids that are carefully extracted from coconut or palm oils. Virgin coconut oil is roughly 65% MCTs, but the pharmaceutical grade MCT oil…

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Collagen 101

All you ever wanted to know about collagen and then more! (By a purist with an OCD bent for unearthing the grandeur in simple food.) A Note from Serene: “As we progress in this article, I may refer to collagen and gelatin…

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Stevia and Other Sweeteners

Get answers to your frequently asked questions concerning stevia and other sweeteners below! Be sure to read Serene and Pearl’s article “Honey -vs- Stevia”. It’s located below the question and answer section. Can you…

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Whey Protein Powder – Friend or Foe?

Whey protein can be a fantastic supplement on-plan. It creams up your shakes and smoothies with its slimming powers. Just remember, Trim Healthy Mama is about balance. We don’t want you to sub protein powder at every meal for whole protein sources. Enjoy whey…

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