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Product Description

Please Consider Giving To Engadi Ministries

This is the area of Guatemala that grows the beans for our Guatamama Coffee.

One of Guatemala’s greatest challenges is its extreme poverty. Kids in Guatemala want to study and get ahead in life but they live in an environment without any opportunities for their desire to become reality. Desperate to escape abusive fathers and starvation, the children look for a way out. Unfortunately, they find their acceptance and family in gangs. The poverty, the violence, and the threat of gangs do not allow the child to reach their full potential.

Gang life, however, is not the savior it appears to be to the children. Gang members often lose their young lives to violence, drug overdoses, and or terminal illness before their 24th birthday. Those that do survive waste years of their life filling Guatemala’s overcrowded jails. What a waste of youthful energy and potential!

Engadi strives to empower youth so they can change their community from the inside out.

Engadi Ministries serves the Paraíso Neighborhood on 4 levels:
– 1: The Community — 30,000 people
– 2: Public Schools — 2,400 students
– 3: Families — 300 people
– 4: Individual Kids — 80 individuals.

With God’s help, we hope to transform this community by impacting one life at a time.

The kids Engadi Ministries work with do not want to follow these patterns and fall prey to gangs but feel they don’t have a choice. No one gives them a hand or offers them a way out. Being from a particular neighborhood or social class locks them out of most opportunities. All they need is an opportunity to get ahead and Engadi Ministries wants to give them that chance.

You can learn more about how Engadi strives to empower youth so they can transform their communities here:

Please consider giving a gift of $5 to this amazing ministry.
You can give more if you are moved to do so. Simply select the quantity of how many $5 gifts you’d like to give.

Every dollar we collect will be given directly to Engadi Ministries.